What is ERCP?

ERCP or endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography is a diagnostic procedure that allows physicians to examine your bile and pancreatic ducts and liver using an endoscope. It is generally performed to diagnose and treat problems regarding theseorgans. ERCP may also be used to assist during gallbladder surgery, remove bile stones and obtain biopsy material in the case of tumours. This test is sometimesused to diagnose and treat complications following gallbladder surgery.

How is ERCP performed?

Before the procedure, the patient is given general anaesthesia to make them comfortable. After they have been sedated, the endoscope is inserted into the food pipe through the mouth. It is advanced into the stomach, allowing the physician to examine its contents and surrounding areas. The doctor can also examine the first of the small intestine, biliary tree and pancreatic duct during the test. If required, contrast materials are injected so images of the pancreatic and bile ducts can be captured. Besides a light and camera device, the endoscope also contains specialised tools to make small cuts and acquire tissue material for biopsies, remove stones in biliary tree.

Before undergoing ERCP, the patient’s stomach must be empty. They are instructed not to consume solid food during the evening and night,preferably at least 8 hours before the procedure. Any necessary medication should be taken with very little amount of water. The patient is also required to bring a companion so they can be taken home after the procedure.

Why is ERCP performed?

Your biliary tree and pancreas and bile ducts can be affected by various diseases. Your doctor will suggest an ERCP test if you are facing any of the following symptoms:

  • Blocked bile ducts due to cancer, tumours, gallstones or compression from neighbouring organs
  • Recurrent or persistent abdominal pain that could not be diagnosed by other tests such as CT or MRI scans
  • Jaundice due to obstructed biliary tree
  • Symptoms of pancreatic cancer

Consult your doctor you are experiencing any gastroenterological symptoms and need more information on ERCP.

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